Caregiver Monday
Caregiver Monday (CM) is a concept of The Monday Campaigns. Caregiver Monday is a non-profit public health initiative dedicated to the self-care of 65 million U.S. family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness activities, research and partnership activities.
The Monday Campaigns is a non-profit public health initiative associated with Johns Hopkins, Columbia and Syracuse universities that dedicates the first day of every week to health. Every Monday, individuals and organizations join together to commit to the healthy behaviors that can help reduce chronic, preventable diseases. The Monday Campaigns helps organizations incorporate the evidence-based Monday concepts into their own health promotion programs by providing free research, creative materials, case studies and ready-to-scale programs with concepts including: Meatless Monday, Move It Monday!, Quit & Stay Quit MondaySM, DeStress Monday and The Kids Cook Monday!
Learn more: The Monday Campaigns
In 2020, Caregiver Monday announced a refresh of its campaign and introduced caregiving expert, Sherri Snelling, a corporate gerontologist who founded Caregiving Club and Me Time MondayTM, who will serve as ambassador and strategic advisor.
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A Campaign Dedicated to Caregiver Self-Care
The Caregiver Monday campaign is focused on the unique challenges caregivers face such as stress, burnout, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness and neglect of self-care activities that can negatively impact a caregiver’s physical health and emotional wellness.
Studies show caregivers who report more stress feel less healthy, adopt poorer health behavior and spend more money on their health care.1 Researchers have found they have 24% more stress hormones, 15% less antibodies to help boost immunity and 2-3 times the prevalence of depression as compared to the general population.2 In addition, 1 in 6 employees are also caregivers juggling responsibilities at work while also spending 80-140 hours a month caring for a loved one with physical or cognitive health issues.3
Using her gerontological expertise, Sherri Snelling has worked with The Monday Campaign Team to focus on weekly prompt messages that follow a biopsychosocial approach to holistic health for caregivers. Using the Caregiver Monday Tool Kit of infographics and blogs, campaign partners are encouraged to integrate the materials into their existing health and wellness programs. Through its partner organizations, Caregiver Monday hopes to spark a national movement in helping caregivers get the break they need to focus on their own health and wellness goals.
Caregiver Monday also works closely with partners on developing customized campaigns that can include research projects, events and other activities.
The Science Behind Mondays and Health
The Caregiver Monday campaign uses evidence-based studies to support sustainable behavior change, that can have long-lasting outcomes 4,5,6,7 . A recent survey found that people were most likely to start exercise routines, eat healthier and schedule doctor’s appointments on Mondays, more than any other day of the week. Sixty-four percent said if they start with a positive frame of mind on Monday, they are more likely to stay positive for the rest of the week. The recent research also showed 54% of those surveyed agree or strongly agree that managing caregiver stress on Monday helps reduce stress for the rest of the week.8

What`s new

Caregivers Can Conquer Loneliness Using Caregiver Monday Writes Campaign Ambassador Sherri Snelling
Self-care programs help caregivers feel not so alone and improve health.
Current social distancing guidelines have facilitated an increase in stress and anxiety over the COVID-19 pandemic especially for family caregivers who are forced to isolate from older or at-risk loved ones. According to the Caregiver Action Network, more than 90 million Americans provide care to a loved one who has chronic conditions, disabilities, disease or is experiencing the frailties of old age and are most vulnerable to this virus.
One of the emotions family caregivers all across the country, and even globally, often express is feeling all alone in their caregiving journey. Now that feeling has reached a whole new level. Prior to the pandemic, surveys showed 48 million people age 45+ – one in three – report being chronically lonely. Finding ways to overcome loneliness as a caregiver is sometimes easier said than done. But using a scientifically-based method that helps promote healthier behaviors can help. The Caregiver Monday campaign is part of The Monday Campaigns nonprofit public health initiative, dedicated to using Mondays to focus on caregiver self-care practices and promotion.

Caregiver Monday Ambassador, Sherri Snelling, Writes About Caregiver Self-Care and the Monday Effect
Trying to find calm during the chaos of caregiving can be difficult but not impossible.
The recent coronavirus global pandemic has disrupted daily life at levels unprecedented in our lifetime. Yet life disruption is something family caregivers understand all too well. According to a study by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), more than 34 million Americans are caring for someone over age 50: a spouse or partner, an older parent or in-law, a sibling, a beloved older family member or even a friend. Many caregivers begin their journey in a crisis event when a loved one receives a devastating diagnosis, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer or heart disease, that causes physical or cognitive limitations to independent daily living.

Caregiver Monday mentioned in Forbes.com article on recent NAC/AARP "Caregiving in the U.S. 2020" Study
Sherri Snelling, Caregiver Monday Ambassador, shares expertise on caregiver self-care
Sherri Snelling, a corporate gerontologist who is CEO of Caregiving Club (a company that supports family caregivers), said the COVID-19 pandemic may be offering an unseen benefit for family caregivers who haven’t been taking care of themselves. “I think it’s putting self-care on center stage,” she said.
Snelling recently started sending out Caregiver Monday self-care health and wellness tips for workers who are also family caregivers. She hopes the advice “becomes a weekly routine, so you are thinking about your health as a piece of caregiving, which is so critical.”

"Coronavirus and Caregiving" - The Senior Zone radio interviews Sherri Snelling, Ambassador for Caregiver Monday
Radio host Shawn Perry interviewed Caregiver Monday ambassador, Sherri Snelling, about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and how it is affecting family caregivers. Sherri shared insights on caregiver self-care including the Caregiver Monday plan to help caregivers remain calm through the chaos of Covid-19. The interview was broadcast on station WYCB 1340 AM in Washington, DC as well as posted to SoundCloud for on demand listening. Listen to the entire radio show below:

Caregiver Monday: An Initiative Dedicated To Helping Caregivers Take Care of Themselves
Announces Expert Sherri Snelling Joining Campaign to Address Caregiver Stress Relief Now That It’s More Important than Ever
NEW YORK – April 6, 2020 – The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Caregiver Monday: An Initiative Dedicated To Helping Caregivers Take Care of Themselves
Announces Expert Sherri Snelling Joining Campaign to Address Caregiver Stress Relief Now That It’s More Important than Ever
NEW YORK – April 6, 2020 – The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19.
Caregiver Monday Conversation: What You Need to Know About Brain Health
Caregiver Monday Ambassador, Sherri Snelling, talks with Brooks Kenny of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s about their mutual campaigns to help caregivers find better health and wellness with a focus on brain health. Sherri explains the Caregiver Monday program for self-care and how to work out your brain and Brooks gives an overview of the Be Brain Powerful 30-Day Challenge to join the effort in preventions for Alzheimer’s.
Caregiver Monday Conversation: How to Overcome Social Isolation and Loneliness as a Caregiver
Caregiver Monday Ambassador, Sherri Snelling, talks with Dr. Scott Kaiser of the Motion Picture & Television Fund about the difference between social isolation and loneliness and how both can impact a caregiver’s health. These insights are especially important for caregivers who are caring for a loved one during the first holiday season with the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
Caregiver Monday Conversation: What is Respite Care and Why Is It Important for Caregivers?
Caregiver Monday Ambassador, Sherri Snelling, talks with Lisa Winstel of the Caregiver Action Network (CAN). Lisa explains the value of respite care – getting a break for the caregiver – and provides resources and tips on where and how caregivers can tap into getting the recharge they need. Lisa also discusses the new National Community Care Corps – a national volunteer project to provide caregivers with free respite.

Meet Birdie
the Icon of the Caregiver Monday Campaign
The icon of the Caregiver Monday campaign is a charming red bird character “Birdie” based on the red cardinal. These birds are symbols of devotion, nurturing and guardians of love. Mythology states seeing a red cardinal represents a visit from a lost or ailing loved one. The symbolism of birds is to thrive in nature and soar weightlessly above adversity with a bird’s nest representing home and a flock of birds seen as a sign of good luck.
“I love Birdie and everything this character represents for caregivers,” added Snelling. “It makes the campaign recognizable and engaging since the word cardinal means ‘serving as a hinge’ in Latin which is a perfect image and reminder for caregivers to pivot each week into finding self-care.”
Contact us
Sherri Snelling – Ambassador, The Caregiver Monday Campaign
220 Newport Center Drive, Suite 11-184
Newport Beach, CA 92660
215 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1001
New York, NY 10016
Follow us
1 Ho, A., Collins, S. R., Davis, K., & Doty, M. M. (2005). A look at working-age caregivers’ roles, health concerns, and need for support. Issue Brief (Commonwealth Fund), 854, 1-12.
2 Vitaliano, P. P., Zhang, J., & Scanlan, J. M. (2003). Is caregiving hazardous to one’s physical health? A meta-analysis. Psychological bulletin, 129(6), 946.
3 Cynkar, P., Mendes, E., (2011, July 26). More than one in six American workers also act as caregivers. Gallup.
4 Ayers, J.W., Althouse, B.M., Johnson, M.J., Cohen, J.E. (2014). What’s the Healthiest Day? Circaseptan (weekly) Rhythms in Healthy Considerations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 47, 73-76.
5 Dai, H., Milkman, K.L., & Riis, J. (2013). The fresh start effect: Temporal landmarks motivate aspirational behavior. Management Science, 60, 1-20.
6 Unpublished data gathered from NY-based gyms and the Johns Hopkins recreation center
7 Orsama, A., Mattila, E., Ermes, M., van Gils, M., Wansink, B., & Korhonen, I. (2014). Weight rhythms: Weight increases during weekends and decreases during weekdays. Obesity Facts, 7, 36-47
8 Data Decisions Group. December 2019. Nationally representative survey of 1000 adult Americans.