Caregiving Club realizes that caregivers have precious little time to read but we felt compelled to create our reading lists for you anyway.
You may only read a chapter at a time or pick up the book once your caregiving is done. Or we hope those who have not yet stepped into the caregiving spotlight may read one of these books to help you prepare to care.
We’ve chosen our favorite books in the following categories (see below for full lists): Family Caregiving, Spousal Caregiving, Alzheimer’s Caregiving, Caregiving and End of Life, Caregiving Spirituality and Inspiration, Caregiver Humor, Men As Caregivers, Caregiving Books for Kids and Caregiver Health & Wellness.
If we missed a great book you feel other caregivers should read, let us know. Email us at:
And, don’t forget to add Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling’s book, A Cast of Caregivers – Celebrity Stories to Help You Prepare to Care, to your library.
Happy Reading!
Family Caregiving List vApr 2018
Our Family Caregiving Book Pick of the Month:
Men as Caregivers Books vApr 2018
Our Men As Caregivers Book Pick of the Month:
Spousal Caregiving List vMar 2013
Our Spousal Caregiver Book Pick of the Month:
Alzheimer’s Caregiving Journeys List vApr 2018
Our Alzheimer’s Caregiver Book Pick of the Month:
Our End-of-Life Book Pick of the Month:
Caregiver Health and Wellness List vApr 2018
Our Caregiver Health & Wellness Book Pick of the Month:
Spiritual and Inspirational Caregiving List vMar 2013
Our Caregiver Spiritual & Inspirational Book Pick of the Month:
Celebrity Caregiving Journeys List vApr 2018
Our Celebrity Caregiver Book Pick of the Month:
Humor in Caregiving List vMar 2013
Our Caregiver Humor Book Pick of the Month:
Caregiving Books for Children List vApr 2018
At the least it is more educational than one of our reality Television stars, kim this?
Joey what?