Aging in America is changing the way we live – whether it’s becoming a family caregiver, considering multi-generational living, juggling work and caregiving and family life as a Sandwich Generation member – the longevity bonus years are impacting us all.
Most importantly, as more than 65 million of us step into this role called “caregiver,” how do we maintain our own health and wellness and find that important balance in life?
It’s important to understand the impact of caregiving even before it happens – planning ahead becomes essential – it’s the “Prepare to Care” movement. Part of this is understanding the physical and emotional impact of caregiving. Our CEO Sherri Snelling often writes about the impact of stress on our health and wellness as we perform the caregiving juggling act.
Below are some articles that will help you find that caregiving balance but also help you in your healthy aging goals.
For Labor Day, Sherri writes about the changing workplace from “child care” support to “elder care” support:
Creating company culture to care about caregivers (Mad Men version)
Sherri spoke to the billionaire nonagerian CEO of Dole Foods, David Murdock (age 93), about his nutritional recipe for living longer and healthier for a Forbes interview:
David Murdock – 90-year-old billionaire and caregiver
Sherri’s PBS Next Avenue interview with 94-year-old Norman Lear about his secrets to living longer:
Norman Lear – Longevity, Laughter, Love of America (originally published on PBS Next Avenue)
Sherri interviewed cancer specialist Dr. David Agus, one of the world-class experts she works with at Keck Medicine of USC on his book about living longer and happier:
Sherri’s articles on achieving better caregiver health & wellness:
Your Real Age – How Caregivers Can Find Their Inner Child
Caregiver RX for Stress: 3 Steps to Me Time Monday (originally published on Huffington Post)
7 Tips to Avoid Sandwich Generation Burn-out (originally published in USA Today)
How to Manage the Sandwich Generation Juggling Act – 8 Childish Things Caregivers Should Do (originally published on Huffington Post)