Whether you are caring for an older parent, an ill spouse or sibling, a special needs child who is becoming an adult or a friend caring for a chronically ill friend, there are many ways we become caregivers. However, most of us are not well prepared for the caregiver journey. And, with lack of planning comes chaos, confusion, unforeseen costs and a common caregiving side effect that caregiving pioneer former First Lady Rosalynn Carter calls “burn-out.”
Caregiving Club was formed to help guide you to a place of balance while caregiving – physically, emotionally, environmentally, socially, intellectually, financially and spiritually. We call this the Caregiver 7 elements of wellness that continue to carry us forward on life’s journey, The key to success is trying to find balance so that one piece of the wheel is not larger or smaller than the others. By adopting the Me Time Monday Wellness Edit plan, caregivers can find balance (known as homeostasis) in these will they find happiness.
Our 7 Elements of Caregiver Wellness are combined with our Me Time MondayTM Method workshops and webinars that have helped employers and employees recognize the special role of caregivers in the workplace. We take the 7 wellness areas of life and use the repetition philiosophy of Mondays and the behavioral science of tiny habits (B.J. Fogg) and habitstacking (James Clear), coupled with “me time” science of flow theory (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) and positivity psychology (Martin Seligman, Sonja Lyubomirsky), sprinked in a little color psychology and happiness planning “affective forecasting” from Harvard researchers, Bevil Conway and Dan Gilbert respectively, and voila – The Me Time Monday Wellness Edit was born.
Learn more about the Me Time Monday method for healthy behavior change.