A Caregiving Fairy Tale: Sleeping Beauty

March 9, 2016


Eyelid dreamstime_m_2327813 (2)Sleep is at times elusive – especially if you are caregiving for a loved one. You either are burning the candle at both ends or you awaken several times throughout the night worried about a thousand tiny details. Either way, a lack of good, restorative sleep is not just a beauty bummer (dark circles under the eyes) but also a real health risk. Studies have shown a lack of 7-8 hours of restorative, deep sleep can cause drowsiness, irritability, increased stress, weight gain and even become a cause of possible Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

March 6-13 is National Sleep Awareness Week – a good time to review your sleep habits and establish good sleep hygiene.

Read our CEO Sherri Snelling’s article for Huffington Post on how caregivers need their beauty rest:

An Essential Caregiving Fairy Tale: Sleeping Beauty



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