Following is Sherri Snelling’s article that was originally published on Huff Post 50 about the caregivers of veterans with PTSD and TBI – the homefront heroes of those with invisible wounds.
Caring for Those Heroes with Invisible Wounds
Following is Sherri Snelling’s article that was originally published on Huff Post 50 about the caregivers of veterans with PTSD and TBI – the homefront heroes of those with invisible wounds.
Caring for Those Heroes with Invisible Wounds
January is Financial Wellness Month and I was grateful to recently be involved in two activities that help educate financial advisors about longevity and caregiving – the “Synergize” podcast from Trade PMR with Bill Coppel and Ryan Neal; and my guest column for the...
Today (January 17) is now officially “Ditch Your New Year's Resolution Day” and while that sounds like a defeat it is actually an opportunity to embrace the concept of Me Time Monday and 7 Joyful Workouts. In my book, Me Time Monday, I write about becoming a New...
Why do New Year’s Resolutions start out strong on January 1 and disappear by February-April? Sherri Snelling explains the hazards of making one big goal rather than adopting a new lifestyle of small yet powerful steps to find better balance in life that achieve well-being and joy. She calls it the Me Time Monday Plan and here is how you can become a New Year’s “Resolutionary.”