June 17 we celebrate Father’s Day, a celebration that brings to mind the family caregivers of dads. According to a 2015 report by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, one-third of those over age 50 receiving care are male – many are our fathers.
And, while women still make up the majority of family caregivers, the gap is closing – men now account for between 40-45 percent of primary caregivers according to reports from AARP and Pew Research Center. And, these male caregivers are not just handling the finances or yardwork, they are helping with the bathing, eating and dressing, tasks many caregivers perform for loved ones.
In sticking with Caregiving Club’s celebrity theme to bring attention to all caregivers, we offer you a couple of articles with the celebrities who are either fathers who have received care from their children or high-profile adult kids who have cared for their dads. We also offer a special look at the Men of Caregiving – showcasing the rise in men stepping into the caregiving starring role:
Celebrities Caring for Dads, Caring for Celebrities Dads
The Rise of the Male Caregiver – originally published on Forbes
The Difference in Caring for Dads vs. Moms – originally published on PBS Next Avenue
Our Me Time Monday video spotlights the rise in Men as Caregivers
Here’s to all the dads and their past, current and future caregivers –Happy Father’s Day!