Press Releases

August 22, 2023 - Secrets to Wellness and Joy: 'Me Time Monday' Book Blends Neuroscience and Nature to Overcome Loneliness, Stress, Alzheimer's Risk and Caregiver Burnout
Authorpreneur and corporate gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, announces her second book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. The book provides scientific research, compelling stories and expert solutions designed to help the nation’s 53 million family caregivers (which Snelling calls “Gen C”) but are effective practices for all adults who feel life is out of balance. Read the full press release on PR Newswire.
Read the full press release.

May 1, 2023 - Sherri Snelling chosen by Comfort Keepers to serve as gerontology spokesperson
Sherri Snelling, a corporate gerontologist, author and expert on family caregiving and aging, has been selected by Comfort Keepers, a leading in-home care service provider for older adults and their families, to serve as a media spokesperson. Snelling’s background as a gerontologist as well as her being a contributor and commentator in the news media and social media as an expert on wellness, health and happiness, helps Comfort Keepers deliver on its mission to elevate the human spirit as well as to focus on the company’s National Day of Joy celebrated annually the last Wednesday in June.
Read the full press release.

April 1, 2023 - Caregiving Club helps Care.com’s LifeMart launch ‘Caregiver Hub’ discounted shopping site for employees caring for older loved ones
Caregiving Club helps Care.com’s LifeMart launch “Caregiver Hub,” a specialized section of the discounted online site for employees caring for older loved ones. Sherri Snelling, corporate gerontologist and CEO of Caregiving Club, served as lead strategist in advising Care.com’s team on senior care partners for the LifeMart.

November 1, 2021 - Caregiving Club On Air Podcast Launches
National caregiving influencer, author and corporate gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, launches the “Caregiving Club On Air” podcast today to deliver on demand to news, solutions, expert advice, celebrity interviews and more for caregivers.
Family caregivers, including the Sandwich Generation juggling children, caring for older parents and work responsibilities, will learn expert information and helpful solutions. In addition to the guest interviews, Snelling delivers news updates on caregiver self-care and well home design ending each podcast with a wellness hack exercise for stress relief from her upcoming book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.
Read the full press release on PR Newswire:
Caregiving Club On Air Launches Nov 1
Click here to find out where to listen and Episode Guides on the Podcast.

April 6, 2020 - Caregiver Monday Announces Snelling to Join Campaign as Ambassador
The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit public health initiative, has announced Sherri Snelling, caregiving expert and corporate gerontologist, is taking a leading role with Caregiver Monday, a program dedicated to supporting the self-care of 65 million family caregivers by offering weekly health and wellness practices, research and collaborative activities through partner organizations. Family caregivers are under added stress now, with older people being more vulnerable to COVID-19. Read the full press release on Newswise: Caregiver Monday Names Snelling as Ambassador for Self-Care Campaign

November 1, 2018 — Caregiving Expert and Author Sherri Snelling Joins the Local Board of the Alzheimer’s Association
A longtime advocate for the family caregivers of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Sherri Snelling, CEO of Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers, joins the local board in Orange County of the national Alzheimer’s Association. Click here to read the press release: Snelling joins board of local Alzheimer’s Association chapter press release 11.1.18

June 10, 2019 -- Memory Well article on millennial caregivers features quotes from Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling
MemoryWell News for the Ages is an independent news platform designed to give the more than 43 million Americans who care for older loved ones at home news and information as they need it. Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling was recently interviewed for an article about one of the three generational cohorts who are primary caregivers for older loved ones: Read the Memory Well article on millennial caregivers

October 18, 2018 — Bill Coppel, host of Wells Fargo First Clearing’s “Next Frontier” podcast interviews aging and caregiving expert, Sherri Snelling
Featuring some of the most compelling expert voices on a variety of topics that help provide insights for Wells Fargo’s First Clearing wealth advisors, this podcast is a lively discussion between “Next Frontier” host Bill Coppel and author Sherri Snelling on the longevity economy, the Sandwich Generation challenges and how more Millennials are entering the world of caregiving for an aging society.

November 1, 2018 — Caregiving Expert and Author Sherri Snelling Joins the Local Board of the Alzheimer’s Association
A longtime advocate for the family caregivers of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Sherri Snelling, CEO of Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers, joins the local board in Orange County of the national Alzheimer’s Association. Click here to read the press release: Snelling joins board of local Alzheimer’s Association chapter press release 11.1.18

March 24-27, 2015 — Caregiving Expert Snelling Speaks at Two Prestigious Conferences on Aging and Baby Boomers in Chicago
Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers, speaks on three panels during the annual American Society on Aging in America conference and the What’s Next Boomer Summit both in Chicago this week.
Click here to read the press release: Snelling Speaks at Prestigious ASA Conf, Boomer Summit in Chicago press release 3.16.15

November 4, 2014 — Snelling Delivers Special Webinar to U.S. Senate Staff in Washington, D.C. on Caregiving and Technology
The nation’s 65 million caregivers face special challenges and technology may be the answer for some. This is the topic that Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers will deliver to the staff members of the U.S. Senate on Capitol Hill during a live Webinar session. The webinar is a special service of LifeCare, a work/life benefits company serving many departments of the U.S. government.
Click here to read the press release: U.S. Senate Webinar by Caregiving Club press release 11.4.14

October 2, 2014 — Snelling and Holly Robinson Peete Kick Off Astellas Employee Caregiving Program
Author and national caregiving expert, Sherri Snelling, joins actress and advocate, Holly Robinson Peete, to talk about the challenges of caregiving at the launch event for the Astellas employee benefit program, StarLife.
Click here to read the press release: Snelling joins Robinson Peete to kick off Astellas caregiver program press release 10.1.14

February 12, 2014 — Snelling’s A Cast of Caregivers Sells in Top Third on Amazon
Author and national caregiving expert, Sherri Snelling, proudly celebrates the one-year anniversary of her book, A Cast of Caregivers – Celebrity Stories to Help You Prepare to Care, debuting on Amazon.com – and after one year is still selling in the top one-third of all Amazon book sales.
Click here to read the press release: A Cast of Caregivers Selling in top third on Amazon 2.12.14

November 4, 2013 — Two Sharecare Experts Team for Special Radio Programs to Celebrate National Caregiver Month and National Alzheimer’s Month
Two Sharecare experts named to the Top 10 List on Alzheimer’s, Lori Le Bay (#1) of Alzheimer’s Speaks and Sherri Snelling (#4) of Caregiving Club, are hosting a series of radio programs, “Let’s Talk Tuesdays” throughout November. Join the conversation every Tuesday here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/alzheimersspeaks
Click here to read the press release: Caregiving Club Joins Alzheimer’s Speaks to Celebrate Natl Caregiving Month press release 10.30.13

October 1, 2013 — LifeCare Podcast features Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling
Sherri, who hosts and moderates the monthly LifeCare Webinar series, The Caregiver’s Network, talked to LifeCare about the Sandwich Generation Juggling Act for its news podcast. Listen to the podcast here.
Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling is proud to be quoted alongside other thought leaders on Alzheimer’s and caregiving in response to landmark Shriver Report.

September 12, 2013 -- Sherri Snelling, CEO of Caregiving Club interviewed for Workforce Magazine
Workforce magazine interviews Sherri Snelling for its article, “Middle Managers – The Intersection of Work and Family.” Read the article here.
August 15, 2013 -- Enter the Caregiver Zen Zone - Caregiving Club Joins Cranium Crunches in the Launch of a New Caregiver Relaxation App for Stress Relief
In celebration of National Relaxation Day (August 15) – RELAX, developed by Cranium Crunches, is the mobile solution for caregiver stress relief using guided meditation, yoga, journaling and brain health information. Caregiving Club joins the promotion of RELAX by advising caregivers to use it as part of their Me Time Monday effort, a program created by Caregiving Club to help guide caregivers to better health and wellness. Read the press release: Caregiving Club and Cranium Crunches Relax App press release 8.15.13
July 24, 2013 -- AARP's Sally Abrahms Lists Summer's Best Books for Caregivers - Including Snelling's A Cast of Caregivers
Sherri was honored to have her book, A Cast of Caregivers, included on the caregiver reading list created by Sally Abrahms, caregiving blogger for AARP. Read all the books listed here.
July 1, 2013 -- Caregiving Club Showcases Me Time Monday videos - celebrities and more for National Sandwich Generation Month, honored by Caregiver Reviews
To kick off National Sandwich Generation Month, Caregiving Club highights recent honors from Caregiver Reviews for its Me Time Monday videos which include caregiver tips, celebrity “Me Time” secrets and 10 caregiver bill of rights. Read the press release: Me Time Monday press release 7.1.13
May 16, 2013 -- Sherri Snelling appears on PBS SoCal TV
Sherri Snelling appeared on the program, “Real Orange,” on PBS SoCal (KOCE-TV) to discuss her new book, A Cast of Caregivers, with hosts Ed Arnold and Ann Pulice. Watch the segment here.
May 8, 2013 -- LifeCare Teams with Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling to Bring Educational Webinars to Caregiving Employees Nationwide
Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers, will present and facilitate monthly educational webinars for LifeCare’s 61,000 employer clients representing 51 million employees nationwide. Read the press release: Caregiving Club Joins Lifecare Webinar Series for Nation’s Employees press release 5.8.13
March 13, 2013 -- USA Weekend special Caregiving supplement features Caregiving Club CEO Interviews with Holly Robinson Peete and Joan Lunden
Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club and author of A Cast of Caregivers – Celebrity Stories to Help You Prepare to Care, wrote the USA Today Weekend Caregiving Supplement cover story from her book interview with Holly Robinson Peete. The supplement also included Snelling’s interview with Joan Lunden (also featured in the book) and the Caregiving Club’s Me Time Monday program. Read the full supplement here: Caregiving Supplement Mar 2013
February 13, 2013 -- Snelling Delivers New Caregiving Book - A Cast of Caregivers - Blending Expert Care Advice with Pop Culture
Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club, is author of a new book on caring for loved ones published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House Publishers. A Cast of Caregivers – Celebrity Stories to Help You Prepare to Care offers three distinct sections: the first features the author’s interviews with celebrities who have been caregivers, the second is the “what to expect when you’re caregiving” guide with expert advice and resources and the third section is all about caring for the caregiver – the self-care “Me Time” advice for which Snelling is known. Read the press release: Caregiving Book Blends Expert Info w Pop Culture press release 2.13.13
Read more about the book and how to buy. Read the advance reviews.
November 7, 2012 -- SharecareNow names Snelling one of its Top 10 Influencers on Alzheimer's disease
Sharecare, the online site dedicated to facilitating more meaningful conversations about health and wellness, released its first Top 10 Influencers on Alzheimer’s disease and named Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club, #4 on the list. Read the press release: Sherri Snelling honored by ShareCare press release 11.5.12
Download the infographic: SCNow_Top-Ten-Influencers-Alzheimers_Disease (2)
August 14, 2012 -- KwikMed Names Caregiving Club #1 on Top Caregiving Resources List
KwikMed, one of the nation’s largest online pharmacies, names Caregiving Club’s web site #1 – the best online caregiving resource on the web.
July 4, 2012 -- Caregiving Club Introduces Latest Me Time Monday Video Tips for July's Sandwich Generation Caregiver Month
Caregiving Club has been a charter marketing partner of The Monday Campaigns since its launch of the Caregiver Monday Campaign by offering a new weekly video tip for caregivers every Monday. The latest videos focus on the Sandwich Generation caregivers. Read the press release: Me Time Monday press release 7.4.12
View all the Me Time Monday videos on our Caregiving Club YouTube channel.
June 18, 2012 -- Caregiving Club CEO, Sherri Snelling, Signs with Prestigious Speakers Bureau
The American Program Bureau (APB) who represents international speakers including Sir Richard Branson, Mikhail Gorbachev, Goldie Hawn, Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Lee Woodruff and others, has chosen to add Sherri Snelling to its roster of speakers on family caregiving. Read the press release here: Speakers Bureau, Blog Syndicate press release 6.18.12
March 12, 2012 -- Caregiving Club CEO Sherri Snelling interviewed on RLTV
Sherri talks about the baby boom generation and how it is redefining lifestyles, society and culture in this special segment for RLTV.
March 12, 2012 -- Caregiving Club CEO, Sherri Snelling, Puts the Spotlight on Caregivers
Speaking At National Conferences on Aging and Boomers, Interviewing Celebrities on Alzheimer’s Red Carpet
The Caregiving Club’s CEO, Sherri Snelling, is helping to raise awareness for the nation’s 65 million family caregivers this month through speaking engagements at national conferences being held in Washington, D.C. and video interviews with celebrities who have cared for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease live from the red carpet gala event in Beverly Hills on March 21. Read the press release: Speaking Engagements press release 3.12.12
March, 2012 - Caregiving Club CEO, Sherri Snelling, interviewed by Surround Health
Sherri talked to reporter Dominka Samojlik about the challenges family caregivers face and what health care professionals can do to help. Read the interview here: http://blog.surroundhealth.net/2012/03/15/caregiving-challenges-today-what-health-professionals-can-do-to-help-interview-with-sherri-snelling-of-the-caregiving-club/
January 9, 2012 -- AARP Bulletin interviews Caregiving Club CEO, Sherri Snelling, about caregiving and social media
Sherri tells AARP about the impact of Facebook, online communities and YouTube on helping family caregivers get connected and get information. The Caregiving Club Me Time Monday video tips are mentioned. Read the article here: http://www.aarp.org/relationships/caregiving/info-01-2012/how-social-media-can-help-caregivers.1.html
November, 2011 -- Sherri Snelling appears on "Taking Care with Joan Lunden" on RLTV
This special caregiving 4-part series is broadcast on RLTV hosted by Joan Lunden. Sherri was one of a handful of national experts interviewed by Joan and she appeared in two episodes: the “Spirit” episode about caregivers of veterans and the “Environment” episode about in-home care.
October 31, 2011 -- Caregiving Club CEO, Sherri Snelling,contributes article on Caregivers and Corporate America to C2 The Magazine Engaging Consumers 40
Just in time for November and National Caregiver Month, the latest issue of C2 Magazine – published by Continuum Crew — focuses on the important trends in marketing, technology, media and other areas of life that engage consumers who are >40. My article for this edition focuses on the state of affairs in Corporate America and its support for working family caregivers. Read my article on pages 5-6 and the entire magazine here: C2 magazine [Issue 27, Autumn 2011]
July 13, 2011 - Caregiving Club Celebrates Sandwich Generation Month By Supporting Caregiver Monday - The Latest Healthy Monday Campaign Effort
July is Sandwich Generation Month where we celebrate the dedication and patience of those Americans caring for an older or ill loved one while simultaneously caring for children at home. To promote the need for caregivers to balance self-care while caregiving, Caregiving Club highlights its weekly Me Time Monday videos and tips which support the newly launched Caregiver’s Monday — the latest campaign from the non-profit Monday Campaigns. Read the press release: Me Time Monday press release 7.13.11
June 6, 2011 - "Handle with Care" pilot TV program premieres on RLTV
This new TV show highlights family caregiver challenges and solutions – produced by Caregiving Club Productions featuring host Sherri Snelling and other Caregiving Club experts. Read the press release: Handle with Care premiere press release 6.6.11