
Our 1st Annual Movie Awards

Our 1st Annual Movie Awards

And the winner is . . . just in time for the Oscars, we announce our 1st Annual CARER Awards℠ honoring the movies and stars who represent caregiving in America.  Check out the blog below.

Caregivers Take Note – Music As Therapy

Caregivers Take Note – Music As Therapy

As Glen Campbell takes the stage at the Grammy Awards tomorrow night and accepts his Lifetime Achievement Award, he does so as one of the more than five million Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.  What is inspiring about the 75-year-old Campbell’s Grammy...

Caregiving’s Tricks and Treats

Caregiving’s Tricks and Treats

In preparation for Halloween, I felt it was time to show that caregiving for an older loved one does not have to be something scary like Freddy or Zombies or Clowns (yes – like Carrie Bradshaw I’m one of those people who are really terrified of clowns). In order to...

How Caregivers Can Relax for National Relaxation Day

How Caregivers Can Relax for National Relaxation Day

In today’s fast-paced, stress-filled, slow economic growth, multi-tasking world – the art of relaxation is like speaking Latin – an almost forgotten, dead concept.  But, if you are one of the 65 million Americans caring for a loved one who is ill, has disabilities or...

How to Cope with Caregiving – The Friendship Connection

How to Cope with Caregiving – The Friendship Connection

August 1 is National Friendship Day which I thought was a good time to talk about the power of friendships when it comes to coping with caregiving responsibilities. We know from numerous studies that staying connected to family and friends improves your outlook and...