elder care

Joan Lunden’s Coast to Coast Caregiving Coverage

Joan Lunden’s Coast to Coast Caregiving Coverage

Sherri Snelling recently spoke to Joan Lunden of TV morning show and healthy living fame about her role as a Sandwich Generation and long-distance caregiver for her mother.  Sherri met Joan on the set of a special program Joan hosted, “Taking Care with Joan Lunden,”...

How to be a Caregiving Superstar!

How to be a Caregiving Superstar!

In honor of Oscar season, we have developed these tips to keep you in peak performance shape as a caregiver.  If you are a caring for an older loved one, a spouse who has a chronic illness or a child with disabilities or special needs, you are a true superstar. But,...

Our 1st Annual Movie Awards

Our 1st Annual Movie Awards

And the winner is . . . just in time for the Oscars, we announce our 1st Annual CARER Awards℠ honoring the movies and stars who represent caregiving in America.  Check out the blog below.

Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

Signposts to look for on your caregiving journey and how to have the C-A-R-E Conversation - read recent articles  and listen to the podcasts if headed home to see family this holiday season.

Heroes on the Homefront – Caregivers of Veterans

Heroes on the Homefront – Caregivers of Veterans

I slept and dreamed that life was beauty;  I woke and found that life was duty. --Ellen Sturgis Hooper Today is Veterans Day when we honor those who have served our country at home and abroad to ensure our freedom.  But it is not just our service men and women who...

Caregiving’s Tricks and Treats

Caregiving’s Tricks and Treats

In preparation for Halloween, I felt it was time to show that caregiving for an older loved one does not have to be something scary like Freddy or Zombies or Clowns (yes – like Carrie Bradshaw I’m one of those people who are really terrified of clowns). In order to...