Each November for National Caregiver Month, Media Planet teams with caregiving organizations such as the Caregiver Action Network and experts to showcase the issues of our nation’s 65 million caregivers. This year’s cover story features Montel Williams, TV personality, radio talk show host and actor, a champion for those with mulitple sclerosis (which he lives with) and our nation’s family caregivers (which he became when caring for a daughter with lymphoma).
The special supplement is featured in the November 11, 2016 issue of USA Today as well as seen online at FutureofPersonalHealth.com and other partner sites such as CNN.com.
Our CEO Sherri Snelling is one of the expert contributors to this special caregiving issue. Her articles can be read by clicking on the links below:
Click here to read Sherri’s article on a new era of on demand caregiving help:
Caregivers On Demand Help Is Here At Last
Click here to read Sherri’s article on how to have the CARE Conversation:
How to Have the CARE Conversation
Click here to read Sherri’s article about the volunteerism spirit of family caregivers:
Paying It Forward – Caregivers Are a Volunteer Force
2015 USA Today and Media Planet Caregiving Feature
Sherri contributed to the same annual feature supplement last year with these articles:
How to Avoid the Caregiving Cost Drain
7 Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burn-out
Silver Surfers: How Technology Helps Seniors and Caregivers
2013 USA Today and Media Planet Caregiving Feature
Sherri also contributed to the 2013 Caregiving Feature Issue. She provided excerpted celebrity interviews with Holly Robinson Peete and Joan Lunden from her book, A Cast of Caregivers, as the cover story and feature articles for the March 2013 caregiving supplement for USA Today weekend magazine. The supplement also included the Caregiving Club’s Me Time Monday program. Read the full supplement here: Caregiving Supplement March 2013