
Below are several ways to watch the content Caregiving Club and Sherri Snelling are creating. Check out the latest “Self-Care in 7 Minutes” video series as well as TV news, unscripted TV programming, educational webinars, wellness videos and celebrity interviews below. And check out our Consulting page to learn more about the watchable content we can create for you.
Educational Webinars
Caregiving Club has an educational webinar library of more than 50 caregiving topics for online learning and information. In addition, Sherri has helped produce and present webinars for clients such as LifeCare, AARP,, Wells Fargo, MIT and many others. Click on the (2) webinars below that Sherri offers on demand at no cost as examples of her work. Click here to learn more about licensing our webinar series or how Sherri can create a customized webinar topic and present it to your organization.

Me Time Monday – Self-Care in 7 Minutes Videos
These 7 minute videos offer information and tips for caregivers (and everyone) from Sherri’s latest book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Welllness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. See the current collection below or watch the video series on our Caregiving Club YouTube channel.
TV News Contributor
Sherri’s career includes being a corporate spokesperson as well as delivering news segments as an on-air expert for various news programs including: “The Doctors,” “Aging in America” segments for Newsmax TV, MSNBC, CBS Evening News, CNN and more. See Sherri on “The Doctors and some of her “Aging in America” segments below (and find all the segments on our YouTube channel playlist “Aging in America” on Newsmax TV):
The Doctors
How to Deal with Alzheimer’s
The Doctors
What is Alzheimer’s?
Newsmax TV
Romance Scams
Newsmax TV
Fit After 50
Balancing Act – Lifetime TV
Let’s Talk Tech – Village TV
“Daytime Chicago” WGN-TV 9
“Midday Arizona” NBC-TV News 9
Other Newsmax TV segments
Alzheimers in America
How to Deal with Joint Pain
Seniors and COVID Vaccines
COVID 1 Year Later
Important Legal Docs After 50
How to Declutter Your Home
Unscripted TV Programs (Reality TV Shows)
Sherri Snelling has been a TV showrunner and host beginning with her “Handle With Care” program seen on RLTV. She is currently in the middle of co-producing and hosting a new unscripted TV series focused on using aging in place universal design, smart home technology and wellness design to help us find better health and happiness in our homes forever. Watch “Handle With Care” below:
Celebrity Red Carpet Interviews
Sherri has interviewed numerous celebrities for her books, articles and at the red carpet Hollywood events to explore their caregiving stories and find out how they find “Me Time” (for George Clooney it was wearing a tux and looking good!). Check out some of her interviews below and catch all of the celebrity caregiver interviews on our YouTube channel.