Alan and David Osmond – Life Father, Like Son – Living with MS

June 17, 2012


Originally published on Next Avenue by Sherri Snelling

They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place yet this is exactly what happened to Alan Osmond and his son David Osmond of the famous entertainment family.  This lightning came in two forms:  great musical and performing talent as well as a gift for songwriting but also something less glamorous:  a diagnosis of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS).

The Show Goes On for the Osmonds

Growing up Osmond means you know how to be at the pinnacle of the entertainment world – you sing, you dance and no matter what the show must go on.  This was no problem for David Osmond, one of eight sons born to Alan, the oldest of the famous Osmond Brothers who shot to fame along with Donny, Merrill, Wayne and Jay in the 1960s-70s (Marie and Jimmy came later).  As a torchbearer for the Osmond dynasty, David, age 32, has a successful solo career, still performs as the lead singer for the Osmonds – Second Generation, is hosting a new TV music competition reality series and participated in the eighth season of American Idol.

But, imagine if one day you woke up and found you could not walk, you could not hold a guitar, you could not sing because the pain in your chest and paralysis in your body reached from your toes to your diaphragm making it hard to breathe.  This was what David Osmond faced in 2005 when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) and went from a promising entertainment career into a wheelchair.  Remarkably, it was the same diagnosis his father, Alan, had been given almost 20 years earlier when he was in his late 30s.  What makes this story so inspiring is that for the Osmond family, whose longevity in show business is legendary, both Alan and David are not only living with MS today, they are actually thriving.

Multiple sclerosis, which affects 2.5 million people worldwide, is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system and for which there is no cure.  Essentially, scars and lesions cause interference with the transmission of signals to the brain and spinal cord that then cause the unpredictable and often debilitating symptoms that MS patients experience such as numbness, tingling and searing pain in the extremities, periods of partial or full blindness, loss of sensory function such as taste or smell and even full paralysis.

While researchers feel there may be genetic predictors for MS (the National Multiple Sclerosis Society states that siblings or children of those with MS have a 1 in 40 risk of also having MS), there is no clear connection that one generation passes it to another.  What Alan did pass to his son David is a “can do” rather than a “can’t do” attitude towards living with MS.

“When I originally received the diagnosis, I had tested positive for West Nile Virus but some of the symptoms did not match up so they tested for MS and found I had the relapsing/remitting form of this disease which my doctors believe may have been dormant in my system but was triggered by the virus,” says David.  “I was in complete denial – I had grown up watching my dad battle MS and my symptoms were not really the same so I just could not believe it.”

There are four variations on the aggressiveness and progression of MS disease, Alan’s was the primary progressive type, a diagnosis only 15 percent of all MS patients receive.  With primary progressive there are no flare-ups or periods of remission such as with David’s type of MS – which means for Alan it is supposed to be a slow degeneration of the body’s functions.

Originally, David’s devastation took on the typical reaction people have when faced with a difficult diagnosis:  “Why me?”  He relates how one day while in a wheelchair he watched his brother playing on the floor with his kids and wondered to himself, “Will I ever have that?”  You can hear the emotion in his voice as he continues, “I’m almost embarrassed to admit that is how I felt because when I looked from my brother and nieces and nephews to my dad and realized, here is this man who has lived with this disease for 20 years and he has never complained, I realized life can go on and you can find ways around this disease just like my dad did.”

“I have a motto I live by – you have to be TUFF,” says Alan.  “It stands for: Target what you need to do; Understand everything you can about the challenge in front of you; Focus on how to live with or beat that challenge; Fight, Fight, Fight – you have to have the drive and desire to keep living and keep fighting for yourself and those around you.”

Family and Faith

Osmond father and son tackled MS the same way they approach the music business – all out or as Alan says “I may have MS but MS does not have me.”

“I was given a cortisone shot when I was first diagnosed in 1987,” says Alan, “and it just about killed me.  It was right then that I decided there has to be a better way and I started investigating alternative medicine that would not have the side effects of traditional drugs.”

Both Osmonds have found ways to deal with MS and overcome many obstacles and the dire prognosis of their physicians.  David was able to get up and out of his wheelchair with powerful steroid shots that helped him walk down the aisle with his beautiful bride, Valerie, a few years ago.  “I proposed to her from my wheelchair and she said, ‘Yes!’ so being able to walk down the aisle with her was something I just knew I had to do.”  He has not been back in his wheelchair since and the couple now has two beautiful daughters, ages one and three.

Valerie and David Osmond

Father and son embrace all-natural homeopathic remedies and David takes up to 50 all-natural supplements a day while Alan adds a daily dose of 2,000-5,000 IUs of Vitamin D; they believe in using essential oils, such as Frankincense, for aromatherapy and they follow a healthy diet based on gluten-free (wheat-based products) and casein-free (milk protein) foods with limited meat and other proteins.  The strict adherence to an all-natural diet which Alan blends into most of his meals has helped manage his MS symptoms and helped him lose 30 pounds.  Alan also enjoys hydro-exercise – the buoyancy of the water not only takes the pressure off of sometimes painful joints but also helps with balance while practicing movements.  In addition, both Alan and David avoid stimulants such as cigarettes, coffee or caffeinated sodas, which is part of their Church of Latter Day Saints faith, and they believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking.  If there is an Osmond prescription for helping to tame the symptoms of MS it is simply “family and faith.”

In fact, both Alan and David credit their wives, Suzanne and Valerie respectively, with the kind of unconditional love so essential in a spouse when someone is facing a chronic illness.  According to the National Health Institute Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, 75 percent of marriages among those couples dealing with a chronic illness end in divorce – 50 percent higher than the overall national divorce rate.

“There is a good side to every challenge in life,” says David.  “Sometimes dealing with something like multiple sclerosis can make your marriage better, I know both my wife and I have learned more patience with each other through this journey and I absolutely would not be where I am at today in conquering MS without her.”

Suzanne and Alan Osmond

Alan agrees that it was Suzanne who helped him seek the alternative remedies which have him defying all the odds with his prognosis.  All doctor predictions and prognosis pointed to Alan being in a wheelchair by now but instead Alan travels with Suzanne and is walking only occasionally using a leg brace or cart when he has to walk long distances.  Alan says, “It is not just one person who gets MS, it is the whole family.”  That is one of the reasons why Alan created his Web site, TheFamily, which addresses family issues around chronic illness and other life lessons.

Alan and David admit that they have learned a lot from each other through this journey with MS.  David says his dad has taught him to never feel sorry for himself, to embrace both the blessings and burdens in life with a positive attitude and to help as many people as you can with whatever you can.  Alan believes David has taught him what patience and perseverance are all about.

“I know it’s crazy to say, but it is actually a great time to have MS,” says David.  When his father was diagnosed more than 25 years ago, there were not a lot of options but today David, who sits on the board of the Nancy Davis Foundation for MS and attends her annual conferences for the foundation’s Center Without Walls says, “There are eight drugs on the market and several more being approved by the FDA as we speak.  The numerous choices we now have to attack this disease that is attacking our bodies – especially with the education about alternative, all-natural choices that I have made for my lifestyle – are encouraging.  I truly think we are going to lick this disease and the great research minds agree – they believe MS is one of the chronic illnesses that I may see a cure for in my lifetime.” (See more with David and other celebrities from the Nancy Davis Foundation for MS Race to Erase MS Event).

When I asked both Alan and David what are their private passions – both responded almost simultaneously with “spending time with family.”  While David enjoys sports like skiing even though his balance and agility are not what they used to be because of the MS, and Alan loves to continually learn new things and brainstorm on ideas – like teaching himself html code so he can build web sites – both men are happiest when surrounded by family.

As we wind up the interview, David is eager to get back to playing Legos and watching Disney movies with his two young daughters – a scene he was not sure he would have just a few years ago.  He says he wears a ring on his right hand that is engraved with ETTE – Endure To The End.  He says he has had the ring since before his MS diagnosis, so today he adds, “Endure to the end …of the day.”  With his girls calling for daddy from the other room, we say our “so longs” and I wish Alan happy birthday (June 22) and both men a happy Father’s Day.  I laugh as I later see a tweet from David – it says simply, “Going to make tshirts for my girls that say ‘Having MS gets on my dad’s nerves.’”

Sherri Snelling is writing a book on celebrity caregivers, A Cast of Caregivers, and the lessons of love and caring that will be published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House Publishers in January, 2013.

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  1. Alan Osmond

    Sherri Snelling did such a good and accurate job in reporting those things that David and I have in common with M.S.. I hope that those who may have the challenge of dealing with it will remember that it is only a test; that the test soon can become a “test-imony” that one’s marriage, family, and future can still go on and that life is good, even with M.S.. There is a scripture that helps me address this physical weakness which reads, “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” Ether 12:27 Humbly speaking, I beleve I am a stronger person for having had M.S.! I may have M.S. but M.S. does NOT HAVE ME! Alan Osmond

    • nanci nelson

      I was diagnosed with MS almost 10 years ago. I am now treating in South Carolina for TN at lasermed center. I am from California. I believe Alan knows my mom in Utah, Jan Alder. My goal is starting an alternative, holistic charity for chronic illness and conditions where insurance leaves off. i don’t believe that getting as healthy as one can be is not just for the wealthy. I was in the beginning stages of forming the charity when my trigeminal neuralagia acted up again. What has helped me with MS is also considered alternative. I wanted to see if you guys would be interested in supporting my efforts to help other people who are afflicted with debilitating conditions.
      Thank you for your time, Nanci

      • Sherri Snelling

        Thanks for sharing – we are now starting to share reader comments on our Caregiving Club Facebook page on Fridays – we’re calling it “Friend Friday” and we’ll be posting your comment on an upcoming Friday – thanks!

        • Deana R.

          I was diagnosed in 1997. I started with an episode where I was in a wheel chair and could hardly feed myself. They (the Doctors) were talking of putting me in a nursing home for rehibilitation. I told them I didn’t have time for that. The Doctor being a bit upset with me spouted back at me you can not even walk. I again let him know that I was going home. He now being pretty upset said fine. I called my husband to bring me a cane and pick me up. I got out of the wheel chair, because the Doctor refused to allow me to use it to get to the car. He thought he would teach me a lesson I guess. As stubborn as I am I made it home and have only been in a wheel chair twice after that because of an episode I would have.
          I like Alan take extra vitamin D to help and other natural remedies, and with exercise keep going. Plus a strong spiritual faith, family, and positive attitude keep me going. My family especially my husband and boys are very supportive.
          Also like Alan lighting is hitting twice in our family. My oldest boy is now being diagnosed with MS. I continue to remind him of a positive attitude and the fact that you have MS it doesn’t have you. It has brought us closer with talks about how I have been able to cope and how now he has empathy for what I have gone through. Watching you fall Mom and not complain, just brushing yourself off. I never knew what you truly have gone through. So now both of us are continuing to keep going despite the everyday trials that sometimes slow us down. Helping other family members. Keeping busy helping out my parents that have their own trials, but have taught me to continue on. I love them and would’t have it any other way.
          I also have Sjogrens an autoimmune syndrome that can at times can also be very trying. Keeping busy wIth spiritual persuits keeps you strong. God does not allow you to go through more than you can bear. Revelation 21:4 is also a refreshin scripture.
          I met Alan and his family back when I was fifteen. We played football and your Dad was going to bring you over to swim, but when he realized the time you had to move on for another concert.
          We also have another thing in common. Hearing impaired family members. I am now a retired sign language interpreter from the school system here.
          You and David keep going and if you get a chance look up the scripture in Revelation its strengthening.
          Sincerely Deana R.

    • Victor A. Low

      Amen! This could not be stated any better. Thank you all for this story and it’s powerful messages and please continue “THE GOOD WORK”. 🙂 V.A.L.

    • Lori Leavitt

      Alan what a testimony in faith and love you have shared. My brother in law battled MS for about 20 yrs. Ive seen the challenges he and his family faced over the years. Faith has played a huge roll in our families lives. Even though our sweet Rob had moved on the peace and comfort has only been through our Saviors love. I met your sweet son David at a Glenn Beck event about a 18 months ago and had no idea he had MS. All I saw was a happy, positive and very talented young man. I believe attitude plays a huge roll in your outcome in whatever your dealing with. Thank you for sharing your struggles and wisdom. I will pray for you and your son. May you continue to find strength and peace in your life. Best to you all.

    • Heidi

      Thank you for sharing. I was diagnosed 25+ yrs ago and went off all the treatments 3 yrs ago. I recently started Dr Terry Wahls Protocol and just received the cookbook. I truly feel diet and supplements are key. I watched you and your brothers sing for Marie’s 60th today and sobbed. You’re all still so talented, it was just fabulous. God Bless you both Alan

  2. Julie Vincent

    I just saw on TV David Osmund who had been sitting in the audience for the Dr. Oz Show aired Oct. 1, 2014. Thank-you for coming out and speaking on how nutrition has helped his multiple sclerosis. I believe we need to be steered in that direction. Sure would appreciate sharing some recipes that you and your dad, Alan have used. Better yet, come out with a recipe cookbook.

    Together we can feel better and the safest approach is through nutrition.

    Thank-you, Julie of MN

  3. haslie kemp

    I am 75 years old and was dx with MS in 2010 after having symptoms beginning in early 1980s. I don’t take any meds but three days of 1000mg of Solumedrol for three days. now MS has progressed to secondary progressive type. Use a power chair when I leave my apartment. Still walking but feel that it is progression. Having more bad days but since the summer is over I am feeling better. My daughter had symptoms of MS but finally dx with Shober another autoimmune disease. MS has been a positive instead of a negative and has allowed me to meet people that otherwise would not if not in the power chair.

  4. Arlene Hermann

    I am a Cancer survivor and Alan Osmond is right about thinking positively about MS and putting your illness in God’s hands and are in constant prayer, with Jesus in your life. My favorite poem is Footprints in the Sand. I always remember when we are going through some tough times in your life….when you see Single sets of footprints, those are the times where Jesus is carrying you through them. When there are double sets of footprints that is when Jesus is walking along side you.( I am grossly paraphrasing mind you, but you get the just of what I am saying) So always remember to think positively and pray fervently to Him and like my friend who has MS as well try to think of it as a temporary affliction and that you WILL be healed in God’s timing. Not our own timing. It all stems on faith and trust. Alan and David you are in my prayers.

  5. Serena Maxwell

    Thank you so much for this article. It’s possible I have MS, as I’ve experienced some otherwise unexplainable symptoms, and go to see a neurologist this week. I love your testimony, Brother Osmond, and that of your son. I’m an avid dancer (particularly ballroom) and am worried about how having MS might affect my dancing. But you two are an inspiration to me. Thank you. <3

    • Sue

      Serena, I am 57 years old and was diagnosed with MS in 2003. It is scary when you first find out, because you don’t know what to expect in the future. I am happy to say that I have been married for 9 years, and my husband has been extremely supportive. I have altered my diet and lost 25 lbs, we walk regularly, I still work, and I am here to tell you, keep going forward with your ballroom dancing. That sounds lovely, and will help you keep limber, IF you do have MS. They have come a long, long way since my grandmother had it when I was little. She was in a wheelchair and later, bedridden, and now, people lead very normal lives with it. Keep the faith, and research as much as you can, work with your doctors, and keep on dancing! You can do it!

    • Joely Johnson

      Have you also been diagnosed with MS now? I was diagnosed on June 9th, 2011. Hope you are doing well.

  6. Lisa simpson

    Hi alan and david
    it’s me lisa simpson I am full deaf and cerebral palsy for disabled I am 45 year old now
    I love your family armonds and 7 bro and 1 sis I been watch videotube from the omands family
    well Nathan ormonds danny david alan merrill jay wayne maria jimmy and all song
    how are wayne feeling????

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  8. Sheila Littleton

    Dear Mr. Osmond, I write to you today because I was thinking about you and how you were doing. While I do not have MS, I have had many bad things happen to my body over the years. About five years ago, I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. It then went to my bones and lymph nodes. I was blessed not to have chemo. Then two and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with a birth defect called, Pancreatic Divisim. I could not eat for the two plus years. I came very close to losing my pancreas and being on insulin the rest of my life. I had the first of two surgeries in Chicago on December 15 &had to go back for more on January 2, 2015. The scary part is, for the past week, I have felt bad again. I haven’t called my doctor yet. Guess I am scared.
    Anyway, I just want to say that I grew up with all of you and proud to say it. The Osmond family has been a big part of my life. Prayers for you and your son, David.
    Take care,
    Sheila Reed Littleton

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    • Sherri Snelling

      Thanks for your comments – we’re happy you’re enjoying our posts!

  11. Amanda Rivera

    I heard David sing on the Believe Again CD put out by Glenn Beck and just fell in love with his version of “Oh come all ye faithful”, so I Googled him. Little did I know that both of you have and are beating the vicious disease that ended up killing two of my uncles. They thought I had it, but apparently I just have fibromyalgia (amongst various other chronic illnesses). I find myself thinking something similar, but slightly different than David did. In the interview it says you wondered if you would ever have what your brother did, but I find myself not wishing myself and the burden of me on someone else. Thank you for sharing.

    • Sherri Snelling

      Thank you for sharing this wonderful information with our readers!

  12. Pat Combs

    Sadly I lost my husband 7.5 years ago to MS. Sepsis due to urinary tract infections. He had to self cath and cathaters were not given to use once like now. I am happy some of you aren’t suffering like my husband did from this horrible illness. We must find a cure & until then relief for those that suffer so. My heart still hurts from this.

    • Sherri Snelling

      So sorry for your loss but thank you for being a wonderful caregiver and sharing your insights with others!

    • Joely Johnson

      I’m so sorry for your loss. I have MS and I have to self cath. I get urinary tract infections at least twice a year now. Hope you are doing well.

  13. Peter James

    My name is Peter James, I live in Seoul, South Korea. I was diagnosed with MS in Sept 1992, when I was 40 years old. I sold my business & went to Branson Missouri to play music. I had many privileges then: I went to the Osmond Theater; watched both generations of the Osmond Family; met Alan & David & talked about our common disease; met my fellow Canadian, Rich Little; walked up the hill singing Christmas carols with the family; listened to Alan’s sermon in his church; & received public encouragement from George & Olive (father & mother). I heard that David is in Seoul now for the doTERRA convention. David won’t remember meeting me, but I won’t forget meeting him & his father in Branson. I would LOVE to see him again while he is here! I also believe that I have MS, it does not have me! God brought me to it & God will bring me through it! Love, Peter James

  14. Jacinta Sianava

    I love this story I am glad I get the chance to read it honestly its a huge wow from me for such strong men and yes like father like son they are fighter and over all is their FAITH i am member and I believe that is truely what kept you alive is your Faith in the Lord. And also such talented family too Love this its such an inspiring story for me and also for all the people out there who are facing these kinds of challenges in their lives. Thanks so much David and your Dad.

  15. Jeffrey Boman

    I was diagnosed over 21 years ago, and have secondary progressive MS. I’m in a motorised wheelchair, can barely speak (I used to be a singer). Walking? Not happening.

    Sounds pretty bad? Thing is, I’ve been a writer for over 36 years, have self-published for 31 of them, and in 2009 won an Aurora award here in Canada (i’m in Montreal, Quebec) for a newsletter that I publish.

    Alan and David are an inspiration to keep fighting.

  16. Sandy Warrington

    what a wonderful testimony!Thank you for sharing. I was dx’d with MS 30yrs ago. We have to Stay Strong!

  17. Numbers

    Goodd article! We aare linking to this great article
    on our site. Keep up the great writing.

  18. Dianne

    Hi Alan, a quick question. Now that they have found that they can improve MS with stem cells and rebuild the immune system. What are your thoughts towards a cure?

  19. Sue Whisler

    I have heard of MS. I hope and pray that they can find a cure for it. I am a member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And one thing that i have learn is prayer is a powerful thing and God does answer all prayers. reading the Book Of Mormon is his words is very strong. one verse that helps me out is D&C 84:88

  20. Katie Gillet

    I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 1 month after I turned 45. My grandma is 96 and had it since she was in her 20s. I have been on Copaxone, the first year was daily and now I am on 40 mg, 3 times a week. It made a tremendous difference for me. Although the fatigue is what really gets to me. When I do too much, I do start to feel weak. My MS got significantly worse and unbearable Last year, a family friend told me about Organic Herbal clinic and their successful MS TREATMENT, I visited their website ww w . organicherbalclinic. co m and ordered their MS Formula, i am happy to report the treatment effectively treated and reversed my Multiple Sclerosis(MS)), most of the symptoms stopped, I’m able to walk and eat well, sleep well and exercise regularly., I’m pretty active now and my attitude is extremely positive.

    • Sherri Snelling

      Thanks for sharing Katie and keep up the good fight! We’ve posted your comments for others to see – hope it helps you and all others who have MS.

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  23. Joely Johnson

    My mom was watching the Dr Oz show today and I did a search for David and found this article. It’s such an amazing story. I have MS also and it gives me hope. 🧡

    • Sherri Snelling

      I am so glad you found our site! We wish you the best in your MS journey – I also have a post in the archives about my best friend who is living with primary progressive MS – check it out! Take care! Sherri

  24. Celia Olson

    I was diagnosed in 1996, before symptoms started. I am a pianist, suddenly unable to open my hands wide enough to get 8 keys. Nobody in my family had MS, nor my grandparents. Last year a cousin younger than me had MS, she is 40. I have primary progressive MS. I do not walk for the last 18 years, I was born in 1962. I have had 6 strokes and 1 heart attack.The Rebif (beta-1a) did very little to help me. The medical team did even less. After roughly five unending years of trauma in the family my MS developed into progressive. There have been many changes in the last 3 to 4 years. Many falls, many fractured bones, and three moves all in five years. I have gone downhill. Considerably. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, I started on MS Herbal Treatment from Kycuyu Health Clinic, the herbal treatment immensely helped my Multiple Sclerosis condition, i had huge improvements. My life is back. I Adhere anyone reading this to try natural approach.

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  26. Kelton Pfeffer

    If you’re facing a complicated divorce involving substantial assets, consulting with a lawyer experienced in high net worth divorces is essential.



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  2. I Can Do This with David Osmond. A Song for the MS community | Matt Cavallo - [...] an interview with Sherri Snelling, David discusses his diagnosis. “When I originally received the diagnosis, I had tested positive…
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