
The Difference in Caring for Moms versus Dads

The Difference in Caring for Moms versus Dads

The Sandwich Generation is our focus this week. According to Pew Research,  47 percent of Americans  in their 40s and 50s are caring for both children as well as aging parents. While there are many books to help us understand the difference in raising a boy or a girl,...

February Means The Grammy Awards and Music Therapy

February Means The Grammy Awards and Music Therapy

  February means it's Grammy season and the sound of music is all around. This month we celebrate the caregivers, like our friend Holly Robinson Peete, who are musical stars and caregivers as well as luminaries in the music business such as interviews with Quincy...

May is National Mental Health Month

May is National Mental Health Month

According to the National Allliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five Americans has a mental health issue and one in 25 Americans has a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major clinical depression. Because of the stigma and lack of...

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is a growing concern for the health of Americans. Today, 30 million people live with diabetes and among those, 1 in 3 seniors over age 65 has diabetes. Yet 8 million Americans remain undiagnosed. Diabetes has many risks for other health problems including the...

November is National Hospice Awareness Month

November is National Hospice Awareness Month

    The great movie, The Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman as two older men facing their own mortality and deciding to live instead of wait to die, jump-started dialogues among families and friends on end-of-life wishes. It is a hard...

Caregiving Tipping Points

Caregiving Tipping Points

We are a nation of caregivers – according to the National Alliance for Caregiving one in every three households includes a family member who is caring for a loved one who physically or mentally requires help with some or many of life’s activities. It may start by...

The Famous Faces Behind the Men of Caregiving

The Famous Faces Behind the Men of Caregiving

We think of the typical caregiver being a boomer-age woman caring for her older parents yet according to the National Alliance for Caregiving, men make up 34 percent of the 65 million caregivers across the country. And those are men who are in primary caregiving roles...

Caring for Those with Invisible Wounds

Caring for Those with Invisible Wounds

Following is Sherri Snelling's article that was originally published on Huff Post 50 about the caregivers of veterans with PTSD and TBI – the homefront heroes of those with invisible wounds.   Caring for Those Heroes with Invisible Wounds