Gerontologist Sherri Snelling Featured TV Expert

November 10, 2019


Sherri Snelling on set of “The Doctors”

Our CEO, Sherri Snelling, recently appeared on “The Doctors” TV show which focused on the Alzheimer’s crisis. Speaking on the program as a gerontologist specializing in dementia and  caregiver wellness, Sherri explained the difference between Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline that happens with age and discussed recent research into the loneliness of family caregivers that may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. She also discussed a recent research project where she was part of the USC team analyzing social isolation, transportation and health in older adults.

Watch Sherri Snelling discuss “How To Deal With An Alzheimer’s Diagnosis” on “The Doctors:

Watch Sherri Snelling explain the link between “Alzheimer’s and Loneliness” on “The Doctors”:

Sherri has also been the featured expert in ongoing “Aging in America” segments on Newsmax TV with host Tom Basile on “America Right Now.” Her first segment was on how an older population is facing job loss during COVID-19. Her second segment was on the signs of Alzheimer’s and its impact on older women and her most recent segment was on the coronavirus vaccine roll-out and older adults. Look for future segments on the Newsmax TV app or check your cable and satellite listings.

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