
How to Become a New Year’s Resolutionary: Adopt the Me Time Monday Plan

How to Become a New Year’s Resolutionary: Adopt the Me Time Monday Plan

Why do New Year’s Resolutions start out strong on January 1 and disappear by February-April? Sherri Snelling explains the hazards of making one big goal rather than adopting a new lifestyle of small yet powerful steps to find better balance in life that achieve well-being and joy. She calls it the Me Time Monday Plan and here is how you can become a New Year’s “Resolutionary.”

National Wellness Month and Me Time Monday

National Wellness Month and Me Time Monday

In celebration of National Wellness Month this August, I share insights from my book, "Me Time Monday - The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life." I begin with this description of wellness from the introduction to the book: "Most people think...

Hollywood Caregiving News

Hollywood Caregiving News

Even Hollywood celebrities struggle navigating caregiving. Sherri Snellling’s celebrity interviews, including articles, podcasts and the red carpet, capture the news headlines of the day from Hollywood and caregiving.

Sherri Snelling Featured in Authority Magazine

Sherri Snelling Featured in Authority Magazine

Authority Magazine, a Medium publication devoted to sharing in-depth, and interesting interviews, features people who are authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. Authority Contributor, Maria Angelova, recently interviewed Sherri...

Caregiver Shopping Trends

Caregiver Shopping Trends

With 53 million family caregivers influencing or making 80% of the purchases for older adults, traditional shopping is changing to accommodate caregiver needs. Sherri writes on the trends and innovations happening to make shopping easier for caregivers. The Latest...