
September 22-28 Falls Prevention Week

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of 10 seniors will fall at home in their lifetime and every 29 minutes an older American dies from a fall-related injury. Falls are the leading cause of accidental death for those over age 65...

September is Emergency Planning Month

September is Emergency Planning Month

Being prepared for caregiving means also knowing the emergency plans to help your older loved one – whether they are “aging in place” at home or live in an assisted living or other facility. After Hurriance Katrina, a report found 139 nursing home residents died...

September is Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month

Aging in America is changing the way we live – whether it’s becoming a family caregiver, considering multi-generational living, juggling work and caregiving and family life as a Sandwich Generation member – the longevity bonus years are impacting us all. Most...

September 21 – World Alzheimer’s Day

September 21 – World Alzheimer’s Day

More than 60 countries worldwide will be joining together on September 21 to raise awareness and funds for World Alzheimer’s Day. Two out of three people worldwide believe there is little or no understanding about dementia and Alzheimer’s in their country. Hollywood...

9/11 – We Will Never Forget

9/11 – We Will Never Forget

For most adults in 2001, September 11 became our Pearl Harbor day – a day that will live in infamy. I remember watching the tragic news of the day unfold and feeling both the heartbreak for the victims and their families and the heartfelt inspiration of first...

Caregiving and Summer Getaways

Caregiving and Summer Getaways

For caregivers, taking a vacation seems like an unrealistic or futuristic dream. How can you leave your loved one? Who will care for them? How can you overcome the guilt of finding relief and fun on a vacation while you are worrying about your loved one? Is it...

Happy Birthday Caregiver Pioneer Rosalynn Carter

Happy Birthday Caregiver Pioneer Rosalynn Carter

On August 18 former First Lady Rosalynn Carter turns 91 years young. Recognized as one of the early pioneers of identifying the special role caregivers play in our aging society and the unique challenge they face with burn-out, we send our birthday greetings to an...

Finding the Caregiver Happiness Factor

Finding the Caregiver Happiness Factor

When it comes to caregiving, happiness may seem absent or fleeting. Our CEO Sherri Snelling has interviewed numerous caregivers who express gratitude or feelings of peacefulness and honor in caring for a loved one but not a lot mentioned happiness. Yet, as Sherri...

August 15 – National Relaxation Day

August 15 – National Relaxation Day

Stress is a caregiver’s No. 1 enemy and prolonged stress can lead to the caregiving health risk of burn-out. In fact, caregivers are twice as likely as the general public to be diagnosed with a chronic illness due to prolonged stress of caregiving. And in the book,...

Happy Birthday Rosalynn Carter – Caregiving Pioneer

Happy Birthday Rosalynn Carter – Caregiving Pioneer

On August 18 former First Lady Rosalynn Carter turns 91 years young. Recognized as one of the early pioneers of identifying the special role caregivers play in our aging society and the unique challenge they face with burn-out, we send our birthday greetings to an...